Bridging Realms: Unveiling Quantum Mysteries in the Living World — Day 25

Saiyam Sakhuja
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Day25 of #Quantum30 Challenge

Welcome readers! On my journey to explore different domains of Quantum Computing and Information application, today I stumbled upon a very intriguing domain of Quantum Computing, i.e., Quantum Biology. For this, I watched the very informative video “Quantum Biology” from the YouTube Channel The Royal Institution by speaker Philip Ball.

In his lecture, Philip Ball, a respected science writer and former editor of Nature magazine, introduces the audience to the fascinating intersection of quantum mechanics and biology, a field known as quantum biology. He begins by highlighting his background and the range of his scientific writings, from popular media to intricate scientific books.

Ball gives credit to Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, for initiating the connection between quantum mechanics and biology in his 1932 lecture. Bohr’s ideas about atomic bonding and quantum behavior laid the groundwork for Max Delbruck to extend these concepts to genetics. Delbruck’s work led to collaboration between physicists and biologists, culminating in the establishment of molecular biology, as exemplified by Francis Crick’s discovery of DNA’s structure.

The speaker delves into the basics of quantum mechanics, emphasizing its role in explaining molecular properties and structures. He elucidates how quantum effects, while typically unnoticed at the macroscopic level due to the sheer number of atoms involved, can be explored at the biological scale in the emerging field of quantum biology.

One intriguing concept Ball discusses is quantum tunneling, wherein particles can penetrate energy barriers. This phenomenon could facilitate proton movement within enzymes, making their processes more efficient. However, the degree of influence of quantum tunneling on biological functions is still under scrutiny, as some experts question whether it’s a result of evolution or merely a consequence of natural laws.

Ball then introduces Luca Turin’s innovative idea about our sense of smell. Turin suggests that odorant receptors might detect vibrations of molecules, with electron tunneling playing a role in this process. While this notion is met with skepticism, there is evidence that certain creatures, like fruit flies and bees, can differentiate between molecules with ordinary hydrogen and those with heavy hydrogen (deuterium). This distinction could be attributed to differences in vibration frequencies.

Throughout the talk, Ball underscores that quantum biology is a burgeoning field marked by ongoing debates. He highlights the importance of questioning established ideas and embracing the creativity that comes with exploring new scientific territory. Ball acknowledges the historical roots of quantum biology, its potential significance, and the continuous efforts to understand the role of quantum effects in living organisms.

In the mid-1920s, Wolfgang Pauli introduced the concept of electron spin in quantum theory, based on the ion theories proposed by Schrödinger and Heisenberg. This led to Pauli’s exclusion principle, stating that no two electrons can share the same quantum state. Because electrons can have opposite spins, they can share the same orbital in an atom, explaining the periodic table and chemical arrangements. Electron spin is essential in understanding chemistry, and due to their magnetic properties, spins are termed “spin up” and “spin down.” Spintronics aims to utilize electron spin in electronic technology, potentially enhancing computing capabilities.

Recent interest in spintronics involves controlling electron spin states to encode binary information, but maintaining these states is challenging. Notably, some biological systems, such as certain membranes in photosynthesis and DNA, can conduct electrons based on their spin. Anesthetics’ mechanisms might involve changing electron spins to enable signaling between protein molecules.

Electron spin also relates to the sensitivity of some chemical reactions to magnetic fields. Chemical bonds involving unpaired electrons, called radicals, are sensitive to magnetic fields due to their net spin. Birds’ magnetic compasses may rely on radical pairs being affected by Earth’s magnetic field. Quantum entanglement, a strange effect in quantum physics, could underlie this compass. Entanglement, once doubted by Einstein, was experimentally confirmed by Bell and Aspect, showing non-local quantum effects.

Quantum effects potentially impact photosynthesis. Though debated, it’s suggested that coherent quantum superpositions of energy states in bacteria and plants facilitate efficient energy transfer. Quantum effects might also have implications for brain function, consciousness, and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory, where events create multiple branching universes.

While these possibilities are intriguing, many aspects remain uncertain. Quantum biology presents extraordinary prospects but is also marked by ongoing debates and explorations.

Thank you, readers! QuantumComputingIndia #Quantum30




Saiyam Sakhuja
Saiyam Sakhuja

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